Self-determination Theory and Education

Self-determination theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation (and personal development) proposed by - Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, initially in their 1985 book (Intrinsic motivation and self-determination). It is applicable to a range of contexts within an individual's professional and personal life, and is extremely useful when applied to education and the process of teaching and learning. A foundational premise of this theory is that humans have an inherent desire to be curious, active and social, therefore the extent to which humans can, and are motivated to, pursue these inherent desires and goals is predicated on the environment they frequent and the extent to which three basic psychological needs are facilitated or thwarted, the needs being: Competence Relatedness Autonomy In teaching we should therefore create an environment where: Competence which involves feelings of mastery and a sense that we can succeed and grow, is provided through a structured environment, wit...