How to deliver better Academic Lectures
The Academic lecture has and continues to be the backbone of Higher Education teaching practice, such that when we hear the word ‘University’ it is likely the first image we imagine is a lecture theatre full of students listening intently to an academic addressing their audience. However, for all the history and tradition of a Lecture as a teaching approach, it has its limitations, in particular due to it being inherently a passive experience for the students, centred around a one directional didactic transmission mode of delivery. The result can be boredom and a lack of engagement, which might lead to poor attendance, and ultimately an ineffective and inefficient learning experience. There is hope however, as below I outline six ideas and approaches that can be adopted, to enhance the effectiveness of lectures for both the lecturer and audience alike. Be clear on the goal of the session (and let the students in on it as well - see signposting below!) Clarity of the purpose of a sessio...