
Showing posts from April, 2023

What is Student Engagement?

  When seeking to evaluate our teaching practice, one metric we may choose to use is student engagement - how immersed did students appear to be in the session? A quick (but potentially problematic) sense check of this might be the volume in the room for a group task. However, is engagement the panacea it is heralded as and if so how can we create learning experiences that facilitate the engagement we seek from our learners? In his discussion of student engagement, Groccia (2018) provides a detailed summary of literature supporting the benefit of engagement on student outcomes and performance, however perhaps more importantly outlines a multidimensional definition of engagement, that help us to not only understand what engagement is but as a result, to recognise what steps we may take to promote it. This multidimensional model of engagement suggest that to be fully engaged students need to engage in three domains: Behavioural (doing) - a learner needs to participate and complete ...