
Showing posts from May, 2023

What does Good Teaching look like?

The role of a teacher is to engage in a process that facilitates learning for the individuals (student, learners, pupils, colleagues) we are teaching. This then begs the question - what is learning? While there are many ways of conceptualising learning, at its’ core is the idea that learning is the transfer of knowledge and skills to the long term memory - it is a change in our long term memory, our human hard drive. Returning then to our main question - if learning is a change in the long term memory of learners, what does the teaching that will help to achieve this look like? In many respects this is a difficult question to answer. Learning as an outcome can be relatively easily measured by a test, however the process of learning, the journey to the learning goal is difficult to measure as it involves the mysterious organ that sits within our skull - the brain. If we also factor in the multitude of contextual factors that impact if learning will occur, such as the learners’ situatio...