
Showing posts from April, 2024

Digital Education in Higher Education in 2024

At the time of writing we are just over 4 years from the initial lockdown (in the UK) of the covid-19 pandemic, a significant period in world history, that will have ramifications for decades to come. For anyone that was a teacher or learner during this period, they will no doubt reflect upon this experience as one that required a rapid adoption of new technology and approaches, and that involved challenges, confusion, frustration, breakthroughs and new learning about what is achievable through Digital Education. However, taking stock of where we are now requires a recognition that much of the optimism of a sunny upland where we might ‘embrace the opportunities for change and innovation that this dramatic event has afforded us.’ (Wieland & Kollias, 2020), has not necessarily been fulfilled. During some recent teaching workshops with HE lecturers, an informal poll identified that approximately 90% of those in attendance were teaching ‘mainly face to face’, having returned to the in ...